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Odds and Evens

These conventions apply to the "Odds and Evens" variants.

Odd Clues Are 5 Saves

  • An "odd" clue that focuses a chop card is treated as a 5 Save. (It doesn't have to be a 5 Save, but players have to consider that it could be.)
  • However, the Always Loaded Principle applies.

Even Clues are 2 Saves

  • An "even" clue that focuses a chop card is treated as a 2 Save. (It doesn't have to be a 2 Save, but players have to consider that it could be.)
  • However, the Always Loaded Principle applies.

The Odd Prompt Rank Exception

  • Similar to the Pink Prompt Rank Exception, we agree that Prompts do not apply to cards with only an odd clue on them, because they could be an unplayable 5.
  • This exception does not apply to cards known to be not 5. (For example, if the card was used with a Bluff initiated by an an odd clue.)
  • This exception does not apply to even cards. Thus, it is possible to Wrong Prompt a player who has unplayable 4's with an even clue on them.

The 5 Odd Ejection

  • First, see the section on the 5 Color Ejection.
  • An Play Clue initiated with an odd clue to a 5 signals an Ejection on the next player if they have to blind-play two or more cards to fulfill the Finesse. (This is similar to how 5 Color Ejection works.)
  • The Odd Prompt Rank Exception applies when counting the blind-plays.
  • Players should be careful with odd clues focused on chop. Depending on if the Always Loaded Principle applies, the clue can be a Save Clue, a 5 Odd Ejection or a Rank Choice Ejection.
  • For example, in a 3-player game:
    • Red 4 is played on the stacks.
    • Cathy has a red card clued in her hand. From Good Touch Principle, she assumes that it is the red 5.
    • The only yellow card that both Alice and Bob see is Cathy's yellow 5.
    • Alice gives an odd clue to Cathy, touching a yellow 5 on chop.
    • Since Cathy is loaded with a playable red card, the Always Loaded Principle applies. Therefore, the odd clue is a Play Clue on the yellow 5.
    • Since Bob has to blind-play two or more cards to fulfill the Finesse, he knows this is a 5 Odd Ejection. Bob blind-plays his Second Finesse Position. It is a blue 1 and it successfully plays on the stacks.
    • Cathy knows an Ejection happened. The only ejection that matches this sequence is a 5 Odd Ejection, so she marks her odd card as any non-red 5.

The Ambiguous O&E Tempo Clue

  • The Ambiguous Tempo Clue convention applies in odds and evens, and we agree that:
    • a color Tempo Clue should focus the right-most card.
    • an odd or even Tempo Clue should focus the left most card.