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Pushes & Pulls

The Trash Push Prompt & The Trash Push Finesse

  • If a player performs a Trash Push on a one-away-from-playable card, it is a signal that someone else has the connecting card as a Prompt or a Finesse.

The Trash Pull

  • Normally, when known-trash cards are clued, it is a Trash Chop Move.
  • Otherwise, when players can see that the clue cannot be a Trash Chop Move, they should instead interpret the clue as a Trash Double Ignition.
  • Rarely, players can see that a clue cannot be a Trash Chop Move or a Trash Double Ignition. In this situation, it should instead be interpreted as a Trash Pull, which is explained below.
  • A Trash Pull is similar to a 5 Pull in that it "pulls" the card to the right of the card that was clued. This is a useful tool to have because sometimes, towards the end of the game, there can be a playable card in the middle of someone's hand that is not cluable directly due to the presence of other blocking cards.
  • Remember that a Trash Pull can only be performed if there is no other explanation for the clue.
  • Similarly to a 5 Pull, if multiple cards are touched, the pulled card is next to the left-most one of them,
  • In the End-Game, it is common for players to perform Burn clues for stalling purposes. Players have to be extra careful not confuse a Burn clue with a Trash Pull. This is especially true if there was nothing else obvious for the clue giver to do!
  • Trash Pulls should typically be used as a last-resort since they might be misinterpreted.

Interaction with Trash Double Ignition

  • Trash Pulls and Trash Double Ignition are initiated in nearly the exact same way, so this can be confusing.
  • Trash Pulls take precedence over Trash Double Ignition. This means that if everyone can see that the Trash Pull was necessary to "get" a blocking card, then no-one else on the team is promised to have a playable card. (This follows from Occam's Razor.)